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Magic Pie (Bio) The band was established in Norway, late November 2001, when guitarist Kim Stenberg invited musicians from his hometown Moss to form a band, destined to play their self-composed Prog-Rock. Over twenty years later, the band is still alive and kicking, but now only with its founder Stenberg - still in charge. Discography : 2005 Motions Of Desire 2007 Circus Of Life 2011 The Suffering Joy 2015 King For A Day 2019 Fragments of the 5th Element 2025 Maestro The early years was a journey into the unknown, with the band scrutinizing the complexity and variety of Prog. All curves and every bends were taken, improvising with different styles and directions. Eventually these “pioneers” found their platform, - as well as their name, when “Motions of Desire” was released in 2005. From first chord played, Kim’s determination was to create a special sound that in both presence and future would always be recognizable for fans and followers. Lend your ears to all six releases and you’ll be convinced. Each album reveals a wide variety of styles, with both modern and “old-school” approaches. Each and every song can range from soft emotional parties to rough metal-riffs, but there is always this easily recognizable and unique Magic Pie style in every tone. There is no doubt that this band managed to develop and establish their own signature, in both sound and expression. Current line-up : • Kim Stenberg - Guitars/Backing Vocals (since 2001) • Lars Petter Holstad - Bass/Moog/Backing Vocals (since 2003) • Eiríkur Hauksson - Lead Vocals (since 2009) • Erling Henanger - Keyboards/Backing Vocals (since 2012) • Martin Utby - Drums/Backing Vocals (since 2020) • Big thanks to our past members over the years: • Gilbert Marshall Keyboards, lead & backing vocals • J.T. Johannesen Drums & percussions • Eirik Hansen Lead & backing vocals, acoustic guitar • Allan Olsen Lead & backing vocals, guitar • John Kamphaug Bass